They think it’s all over … but it isn’t!
There are three parts to the Old Testament
in the Hebrew Scriptures Jesus knew.
The Law – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy
The Prophets – Joshua, Judges, Samuel,
Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Book of the Twelve
So when we reached Malachi and stood on the
threshold of the New Testament, we were only two thirds of the way through the
Old Testament.
The Old Testament is a challenging read.
For us as Christians our way into the Old
Testament has been to use Jesus as our guide.
In doing that we have good precedence.
When John Barnes took time out to write
notes outlining his instructions for his funeral service, drawing on the hymns
and music he and Joan had had at their wedding, outlining not only biographical
notes detailing the death from TB of his mother and two sisters by the time he
was nine making him a life-long socialist, but also his philosophy of life
built on the principle ‘I am my brother’s keeper’, he also pointed us to two
readings. One verses from Psalm 118 that
included the words, This is the day which the Lord hath made I will rejoice and
be glad in it. And the other the story
of the Two on the Road to Emmaus.
That story is not only a wonderful story of
resurrection, the welcome of the stranger, and of Christ known in the breaking
of bread … it is also a wonderful insight into the way we as Christians are to
read the Hebrew Scriptures we think of as the Old Testament.
Faced with two distraught travelling
companions at their wits end because the one they had hoped would redeem Israel had been
cruelly killed, Jesus’ response was to despair and then to respond to the bit
they had missed
‘Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart
to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?’ Then beginning with Moses and all the
prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures.
Jesus is not in the business of seeking
proof texts – those occasional passages where so-called predictions seem to be
made that find their fulfilment in him.
He begins with Moses and the Law, and goes
on to ‘all the prophets’, and interprets to them the things about himself in
‘all the scriptures’.
How wonderful to have eaves dropped on
their conversation.
Later in the Upper Room when those two
return filled with excitement Jesus appears again with those wonderful words
‘Peace be with you’. We are not told how
late into the night the conversation went but again it would have been
wonderful to have been a fly on the wall.
Then he said to them, ‘These are my words that I
spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about me in the
law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.’ Then he opened their minds to
understand the scriptures,
While we do not have a record of his
teaching, I believe in the Gospels and the Epistles we have the fruit of that
teaching. And we can see how the first
Christians read their Old Testament in the light of the insights Jesus had
shared with them. Our task as Christian
readers of the Old Testament, it seems to me, is to draw as much as we can from
what the insights of those New Testament
writers, and in particular as much as we can from the way they imply that Jesus
handled not just the Law and the Prophets but all the Scriptures too.
And so we turn to the third part of the
Hebrew Scripture – the so-called Writings.
We are going to take a look at this miscellany of writings that for the
most part is put together during the Exile and at the end of the period we have
covered so far in the Law and the Prophets, in the order the books appear in
the Hebrew Bible.
Psalms, Job and Proverbs are rich mix of
poetry, prayer, praise, and wisdom writing that reflects on God’s way in the
world often asking the very big question WHY?
Why should there be such suffering in the world of God’s creation.
Then come the five little scrolls of the Megilloth,
each of which came to be associated after the time of Jesus with the great
religious festivals of the Jewish calendar; Song of songs, Ruth, Lamentations,
Ecclesiastes, Esther
Then we’ll look at Daniel. A book that stands with Revelation in the New
Testatment as a book of Apocalyptic writing.
And we will finish with one last look at
the story of Israel
that is the backdrop for the story of Jesus in Ezra, Nehemiah and Chronicles.
[I am indebted to this approach to the
Writings to Walter Brueggemann, An
Introduction to the Old Testament – the Canon and Christian Imagination (Westminster , John Knox
Press, 2003)]
And so we begin with the Book of Psalms …
or rather with the Five Books of Psalms.
Can you spot anything significant about our Order of Service?
Each of our five hymns is based on a Psalm
and followed with a doxology or words of blessing. The first hymn is based on a psalm from the
first book of Psalms, the second hymn is based on a psalm from the second and
so on. Each hymn is followed by a doxology, words of
blessing – and those are the final words of each of the books of Psalms. If you are looking for a way of rounding off
a service or you want a blessing from the Old Testament look for the last verse
or verses of each of the books of Psalms.
Some people think of the Psalms as the hymn
book of the Second
Temple . The superscriptions are added later but lots
of them suggest the kind of music the psalms can be sung to and by whom.
To the choirmaster or the leader is a note
attached to fifty-five psalms, according
to the hind of dawn, according to the lilies, according to the dove on far-off
terebinths. Psalm 45 To the leader, according to the lilies. Of
the Korahites. A Maskil. A love song.
Hymn books are interesting. It cannot be said for some collections of
hymns like Mission Praise and Songs of Fellowship which nowadays are arranged
alphabetically, but a hymn book is a good book to have.
We may not have hymns but we sing the
theology of our church – and you can see that in the way our hymn book is
Look at the contents of Congregational
Praise. The Eternal Father. The Lord
Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit. The Trinity.
The holy Scriptures. The Church.
The life of Discipleship. Social
and National Times and Seasons Special
It has been said that a hymn book is for us
in our tradition much as a prayer book is to those in another tradition.
That’s interesting, because of course you
can see the Psalms not as hymns but as a collection of prayers. There are different categories of prayer.
There are prayers of Celebration for all
the people collectively and prayers of Celebration for individuals that are
very personal.
There are prayers of protest and petition,
communal laments for disasters that have befallen the people, and intensely
personal laments for the ills that have befallen an individual.
Read the Psalms as a collection.
The begin in Psalm 1 with a choice – Happy
are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked but their delight is in
the law of the Lord.
This is the choice we have encountered in
the Law. It is the choice worked out in
all the former prophets. It is the
choice Jesus presents to us at the climax to the Sermon on the mount. Choose the narrow gate, beware of false
prophets in sheep’s clothing. Hear my
words and act on them and be like the wise man who build his house on the rock,
not the foolish man who built his house on the sand.
Like book-ends keeping books together. The
whole collection of Psalms finishes with a sequence of wonderful celebrations
of God in all his triumphant glory finishing with the greatest of all
celebrations on the tambourine and drum in Psalm 150.
It’s not long, however, before the
simplicities of that clear choice are brought into question.
Psalm 13 How long O Lord, will you forget
That’s a question that plagues Jesus in the
Garden and on the Cross – and one that has come upon many a believer as the
Dark night of the Soul.
How do you get from the agony of Psalm 22
verse 1 My God, My God, why have you forsaken me. To the confidence of Psalm 24 The earth is
the Lord’s and all that is in it ?
You can only move from the agony to the
glory through Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Look out for sequences, structures in the
Whether hymns, or psalms, this is Poetry
often at its finest. What Neil Astley
says of poetry in his fine anthology Staying Alive is as true of the Psalms as
it is of the poetry of any language.
“The best contemporary poetry is life-affirming
and directly relevant to all our lives.”
Staying Alive (Bloodaxe Press, 2002), 19.
He quotes some of the great poets on poetry
– and what they say of poetry can be said of the psalms
Poetry: the best words in the best order.
Make no mistake about it there is a craft
about the poetry of the Psalms. Look out
for parallelism where the same thought is expressed in two consecutive lines
but in different words. Or where each
line starts with the each letter of the alphabet in turn.
Poetry is truth seen with passion.
By the time we reach the end of the second
book of Psalms in Psalm 72 we have encountered no end of Psalms linked with
moments in David’s life. Think of
David’s adultery with Bathsheba and subsequent murder of her husband and then
the impact of Nathan’s prophecy. And
hear the passion of Psalm 51
Have mercy on me O God according to your
steadfast love.
According to your abundant mercy, blot out
my transgressions.
Into the third book you cannot help but
feel that the psalms make you think.
William Cowper, suffering as he did from
depression at its worst knows the value of that prayer of lament in Psalm 77
and what it is like to face the clouds ye so much dread. It is something to get your mind round. And that prayer becomes the most wonderful of
hymns in God moves in a mysterious way.
Moving into the fourth book there are
Psalms of national celebration as kings are crowned in the third book of Psalms
around the 90 to 100 mark. Our God our
help in ages past our hope for years to come – is a paraphrase by Isaac Watts
of Psalm 90.
Into the fifth book and there are psalms of
great praise and celebration, associated with the Passover and thought of as
the great hallel psalms, the great hallelujah psalms – from Psalm 111
following. The great acrostic Psalm 119
that is a celebration of God’s Word in Law and Prophets.
Then the psalms of pilgrimage from 121 to
133 as people together go up to Jerusalem
and the temple.
And at the last in the last book of Psalms
a sequence of Psalms in the 140’s that celebrate the great themes of the Law
and the Prophets of Justice and Mercy.
The Lord sets
the prisoners free;
the Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down;
the Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the strangers;
he upholds the orphan and the widow,
but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.
the Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down;
the Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the strangers;
he upholds the orphan and the widow,
but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.
The Lord will reign for ever,
your God, O Zion, for all generations.
Praise the Lord!
The whole of Jesus’s story is seen in the
Psalms. These are words that lived in
him and he drew on in prayer, these are words he sang in the worship of temple
and synagogue.
How important it is to read these words through the eyes of Jesus. We need to heed his sermon on the mount when we come to hateful things uttered in the Psalms. And anoint these words with the love of Christ.
We are going to finish with John Milton’s
paraphrase of Psalm 136.
There is a recurring refrain.
O give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
For his steadfast love endures for ever
Hymn 44 Let us with a gladsome mind Praise
the Lord for he is kind.
For his mercies ay endure, ever faithful
ever sure.
And as we come to the end of that fifth
book of Psalms there is only one Psalm we can use – Psalm 150!
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